Jolla boasts its Sailfish OS will run Android apps

Jolla has announced its Sailfish OS, one of several new challengers to Android and iOS out this year, will be compatible with Android apps and hardware, opening the software up for both potential owners and manufacturers.

Rumor: Galaxy Gear sequel coming soon with lower price and wider device support

Samsung is rumored to be working on the sequel to its Galaxy Gear smartwatch, and it could be out early next year with cutdown specs, a cheaper price and more device compatibility.

Remember before Samsung announced the Galaxy Gear smartwatch an executive described it as a concept device? The quote was, “We will be introducing a new wearable concept device called Galaxy Gear,” and was supplied by Lee Young-hee in an interview with the Korea Times.

Bulb flashlight uses built-in battery to keep things bright during power outages

Forgetting to supply batteries for a flashlight is a problem of the past thanks to this Bulb Flashlight from the MoMA store that has a rechargeable battery to give users an extra three hours of light in case of power outages.